Creating an indoor lighting plan usually takes three major factors into consideration: General illumination/ ambient lighting gives a space an overall lighted appearance. Task lighting specifically places light in desired areas to perform work or read. Dramatic/decorative lighting creates mood and adds interest to interior design. Often, outdoor lighting represents a fourth consideration to an entire lighting plan. Energy-efficient CFLs are made in a variety of styles to fit practically every incandescent equivalent currently being used. Many CFLs are offered in dimmable and three-way versions, which allow the user greater control of the lamp’s light output. When working with CFLs, it is recommended that you assess the lamp’s abilities for the given application.
Reprinted with permission from "Green Matters" from Satco Products, Inc. (c) Satco Products, Inc.
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Cool. Thank you.
Good article. Thank you.
Good article. Thank you.
Good article. Thank you.
Cool. Thank you.
Good article. Thank you.
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