Our inability to perceive colors adequately, as is the case on a gray winter day or under poor artificial lighting, can negatively affect our mood and energy flow. In the winter, we invariably have less energy, while in the spring we come alive. For many, these mood swings are severe and typify a condition know as Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.). Those affected with S.A.D. act like animals prior to hibernation-increased sleep, diet changes and weight gain.
Combat these issues with options ranging from light bulbs to lamps to doctor-recommended light boxes at 10,000 lux. The Chromalux bulb, Verilux Happy Eyes Lamp and Verilux Happy Lite are all choices available as great full spectrum lighting solutions to help treat S.A.D. The Chromalux bulb has its origin in Finland where life must be sustained in almost total darkness for several months each year. With this innovative, extra-long life bulb, the light is purified, allowing colors to maintain their true color and vibrancy. It has been described as the closest thing to natural daylight.
By using full spectrum bulbs, lamps or light boxes in your home or office, you'll brighten up your area and mood allowing you to see and feel better.
Submitted by Jennifer Guerriero with the Light Center in Fort Collins, Colorado, a Lighting One showroom. To locate the Lighting One showroom nearest you, or for more Lighting One Design Tips, please visit www.lighting-one.com. Please note that some products may vary by location.